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- Unlocking Digital Leverage: My Experiments for You
Unlocking Digital Leverage: My Experiments for You
Diving Deep into Digital Marketing, Trust, and the Quest for Genuine Value

Leverage Hacker News - Weekly Newsletter
Hello there, fellow hackers!
Warm greetings to our vibrant community. First off, this newsletter is proudly brought to you by the Leverage Hacker Podcast 🚀 AND tapping into listening to books on audio through Audible. Leaders are Readers!
🍲 Thoughts Stirred into a Stew: Often, when I'm gathering my thoughts, it reminds me of preparing a stew. You throw in a mix of ingredients and hope it turns out delicious. I'm not entirely sure yet if all the ingredients for today will blend perfectly, but let's dive in.
The Essence of Value: At the very heart of what I want to share is the undeniable value of testing. In the realm of entrepreneurship and digital marketing, the significance of having someone you can rely on, someone who has your back and tests out strategies before recommending them, cannot be understated.
> Fun Fact: A huge chunk of my understanding in this area comes from my marketing friend, Adrian Brambila. His sincerity and transparency in the Brambila Method (now in its 3.0 version) are commendable. He emphasizes on sharing strategies he has personally tried, and made money with.
Ads & Reality Check:
Ever seen an ad that says something like, “I uploaded a design a week ago, and now I’ve earned $682 from it!”?
While such claims might not be entirely false, they often omit crucial details. Like, was that $682 pure profit or just gross revenue? For instance, if a coffee mug sells for $15 and you earn $682 from it, the profit margin might just be about 30%. That's a huge difference.
Also, a significant aspect that many marketers might not disclose immediately is the importance of having an existing presence or following on the platform. So, while these ads can be enticing, always remember to view them with a discerning eye and ask the right questions.
The Power of Leverage:
Finding leverage, the sweet spot where you get maximum returns for minimal effort, is what the Leverage Hacker brand is all about. Two areas I'm delving into this week are:
1. Print on Demand: With built-in traffic, if you can find a way to benefit by putting content on certain platforms (like those selling mugs), you have leverage. Because once the content is up, your job is mostly done.
2. Book Publishing: With advancements in AI, we can do things today that weren't feasible just a few months ago. This area promises potential, and I'm on it, testing waters for you.
Courses & the Hidden Cost:
Courses can be valuable. They offer shortcuts by teaching us the strategies already tested by someone else. But here's the catch - sometimes, they miss out on revealing hidden costs. For instance, realizing you need to spend an additional $2k/month on ads, after investing $1k in a course, can be disheartening.
I'm eager to work with Adrian (not as a partner but a fellow enthusiast) and bring forth the gems from his treasure trove.
🔍 Current Side Hustle:
Currently, I'm experimenting with a simple side hustle on Amazon. Excited about this, and more details will be shared soon. For more juicy updates, tips, and tricks, don't forget to subscribe to the Leverage Hacker Podcast 🚀 AND check out Audible.
Until next time, keep hacking your way to success! Peace out! 🖖
Stay curious, stay informed.